About Hill View Montessori
Hill View Montessori Charter Public School, located in Haverhill Massachusetts, is a public charter school that provides urban students in grades K-8 with a tuition-free, public, Montessori education. Montessori education offers students a differentiated curriculum and instruction in multi-age classrooms (except a single-grade kindergarten). Learning is maximized by teaching to students’ individual academic levels and by leveraging each child’s unique learning style. Classrooms are stocked with scientifically-designed Montessori manipulatives and resource materials to facilitate inquiry and provide a concrete understanding of abstract concepts. Hill View is committed to character education and integrates this into the Montessori classroom with ongoing lessons in grace, courtesy, respect, and responsibility.
Our Mission and Vision
The Mission of Hill View Montessori Charter Public School is to provide a grade K-8 public education that promotes academic excellence using the Montessori philosophy. In partnership with teachers and parents, children attain high levels of academic, personal, and social achievement and so prepared, become constructive contributors to our community.

By embracing the Montessori educational philosophy enhanced to align with Common Core, our students will attain academic excellence and are intrinsically motivated, independent thinkers who love to learn. They will be socially responsible and mature contributors to the world. Parental involvement in the educational process and a highly effective, committed staff will be at the core of our community.
Hill View Montessori Charter Public School (HVMCPS) ensures that all students, regardless of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, homelessness, foster care, military, or limited English proficiency, have equal access to the general education program, extracurricular activities and full range of any occupation/vocational education programs offered by HVMCPS.
HVM Core Values
Preeminent Public Montessori
Provide a free Montessori education enhanced to ensure alignment with the MA Curriculum Frameworks. Promote high
levels of student achievement. Measure achievement in multiple ways and use assessment data to inform instruction.
Promote a school wide culture of respect, open and honest communication, high expectations, and continuous growth
through self-reflection. Welcome learners representative of the diversity in Haverhill, including socio-economic, cultural, and learning needs and styles
Holistic Student Development
Support students’ personal, social, and academic development, Engage students in activities that teach them how to be competent, caring contributors to our community. Model and promote Montessori values of grace, courtesy, respect, and responsibility. Teach cooperative learning and conflict resolution skills. Respect each student’s unique learning style by individually tailoring learning supports. Foster students love for learning. Encourage students to take ownership for their academic and personal development
School-strengthening Collaboration
Create teacher-parent-student partnerships to support student learning. Involve and vest parents, teachers, and students in the school’s decision making process and volunteer efforts. Develop partnerships with local agencies, community service organizations, and businesses to enhance children’s health and learning (e.g. internships, service learning, etc). Share information and best practices with other educators and community members.
High Quality Staff
Require lead teachers to hold Montessori certification and to obtain highly qualified status. Educate all staff regarding Montessori philosophy and HVM curriculum, culture, and processes. Maintain high standards for accomplished teaching and learning, and provide adequate compensation