Our Academics
Montessori education covers a very broad range of academic content and skills, typically extending beyond what is expected of most children conventional schooling. Young children develop literacy, numeracy, and cultural knowledge, as well as “soft skills” such as self-regulation, concentration, and attention, through adult-guided, child-driven interactions with the Montessori materials. Elementary aged children explore ideas and construct knowledge across a wide and thorough range of study and experience.
Our educational philosophy is guided by the teachings of Dr. Maria Montessori. We strive to inspire the development of each child in a safe, supportive, culturally diverse environment, which gives students freedom to explore, cooperate, and be creative.

Age Groups
Ages are combined within the same classroom. Grades 1-3, 4-6, and 7-8 are together in the same classroom. Kindergarten remains separate. This allows older children have an opportunity to teach younger classmates, and younger children have the opportunity to model themselves after the older children.
Hands on Learning
Concrete, hands-on materials. Children are naturally adept at navigating their physical environment, especially when the materials surrounding them are sized correctly for them. Children learn abstract concepts from interacting with physical materials, such as phonetic spelling with the Moveable Alphabet and geography with a World Puzzle Map
Teachers “follow the child”. Montessori guides adapt the curriculum to the interest and aptitudes of individual child rather than impose the same curriculum to all children regardless of their interests and aptitudes.

Individual Pace
All children work at their own pace in accord with their individual ability. Gifted children perform at their own accelerated pace. Children who need more time are given what they need to progress confidently. No child must slow down or speed up to keep pace with any group.

Lesson Blocks
The three-period lesson is a fundamental approach to introducing a new concept (not just vocabulary) to children. It is used to move the child from basic understanding to mastery.

Montessori Materials
Sensory-based learning tools are designed to isolate one skill or concept. The materials encourage hands-on learning, independent problem solving, and analytical thinking. Especially unique, is that each Montessori material is designed with a visual control of error.